D. M. Zultowski is a novelist and artist, as well as a former priest.
His first novel, Earl Grey Mourning, was published under the name David Buffum in 2009. His newest published novel is Deer in the Fields of Venice.
As an artist, he uses toothbrushes and fountain pen ink. He also uses dip pen and ink. He recently received recognition as a semifinalist, ScreenCraft Virtual Pitch Spring 2023.
An only child, his imagination kept him occupied in a life surrounded by adults. Then while in high school, he started going to poetry readings and a creative writing circle. That is also when he started building his reputation as an artist. With all his experiences in life, he calls his writing and his artwork his two constants
He studied film and media arts at Temple University and also holds an MA in theology. He can be found on social media: Instagram: @d.m.zultowski and Facebook: D.M. Zultowski.
He was a seminarian for seven years, serving Immaculate Conception Seminary House of Formation, in Brooklyn, NY, St. Joseph Seminary, in Yonkers, NY, and St. Charles Borromeo Seminary - Archdiocese of Philadelphia. He was ordained to the priesthood in 2019 and served for four years. H
is passions and hobbies include: cooking, watching strange films as well as horror films, yoga, hiking, drinking coffee and tea, biking, and strolling around town.
He was born in Turnersville, NJ, and was raised in Springfield, PA until sixth grade. Then he lived in Glen Mills, PA. After college, he moved to Brooklyn, NY. He now resides in in Lancaster, PA.